Fantastic Fund Raising Effort
A huge thanks to everyone involved in what turned out to be an amazing fund raising effort for the club. On Saturday 1 February we ran a quiz night with over 100 tickets sold and held the draw of a raffle.
As a result of lots of hard work by committee members, coaches, players, families and the community we sold over 4,000 raffle tickets. The quiz evening and raffle helped us to raise over £8,000.
We’ll be using this to replace two sets of old fashioned goalposts, and to make some improvements to the playing surface on the pitches at the rugby club.
Our fund-raising officer, Claire Jackson, said: “Because the funds have been running a bit low and the facilities aren’t great, we wanted to make sure the club was sustainable going forward for teams coming in each year. “We have different age groups so we need different sized pitches and goals, and the goalposts we had need to be replaced because they were unsafe as they were the old-fashioned, metal ones.
“When we thought of the idea in December of having a quiz night, we didn’t anticipate it would be as popular as it has been. “We were just really shocked at the support, and there was a great atmosphere, and we had really good feedback about the evening.”
Club chairman Mark Parkinson drew the raffle and committee member Andrew Neal was quizmaster.